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الانتقال للخلف   مجالس منتدى قرية المصنعة الرسمى > ساحة المصنعة التعليمية والاجتماعية > مجلس التقنية والمعلومات

موضوع مغلق
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 02-02-2008, 01:56 AM   #1
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
الإقامة: جدة
المشاركات: 210
Lightbulb انتبه من مثل هذه الرسائل على الأنترنت0

اخواني انتبهو من مثل هذه الرسائل على الأنتر نت لمافيها من اساليب نصب بطريقة محترفة ونحن المستهدفون بها لطيبتنا

This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is
only a day that people meet and become great friends/ business partners. I
am Osmond Attah, currently Head of Corporate Affairs Department with a
reputable bank here in Ghana. I write you this proposal in good faith,
believing that I can trust you with the information I am about to
reveal to you.

I have an urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. On
June 5th, 2000, a German business tycoon Mr. Andreas Schranner made a
(Fixed deposit) for 60 calendar months, valued at US$12,500,000.00
(Twelve Million Five hundred Thousand Dollars only) in my bank and I happen
to be his account officer before I was moved to my present position
recently. The maturity date for this deposit contract was last 3rd of
April 2005. Before this date, I have tried my possible best to locate a
Next of Kin to late Mr. Schranner, but all efforts proved abortive,
because all his family, including his Son In-Law and children died in the
plane crash of Concorde Air France Flight AF4590 which took place on 25th
July 2000, some months after he did the deposit in my bank. You can
read more story about the plane crash by visiting this website;
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

With the recent change of government in my country and with their
efforts to support the United Nations in checkmating terrorism aid in Ghana.
By end of April this year, the Government will pass a new Financial
Control Law which will give the Government authority to interrogate
account owners of above $5 million Dollars to explain the source of the
funds, making sure it is not for terrorism support. If I do not move this
money out of the country immediately, by April the Government will
definitely confiscate the money, because my bank cannot provide the
account owner to explain the source of the money since he is late.

I decided to utilize this life time opportunity, instead of Government
confiscating the, but I cannot directly claim the money without the
help of a foreigner and that is why I am contacting you for an assistance.
As the Account Officer to late Mr. Schranner, coupled with my present
position and status in the bank, I have the power to influence the
release of the funds to any foreigner that comes up as the Next of Kin to
the account, with the correct information concerning the account, which
I shall give you. I am having the secret Code for the account, which
only the account owner or his Next of Kin can know. I shall supply all
necessary information we need for the claim and there is practically no
risk involved, the transaction will be executed under a legitimate
arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law, beside Ghana is
porous and anything goes.

If you accept to work with me, I want you to state how you wish us to
share the funds in percentage, so that both parties will be satisfied. I
shall explain to you in details how we shall handle the transaction
once I receive your response. Thanking you in advance and may God bless
you. Please, treat with utmost confidentiality. I shall send you copy of
the deposit slip issued to Mr. Schranner when the deposit was made for
your perusal. I wait your urgent response.

Osmond Attah.

للتذكير ألأخوان اللذين يريدون قراءة هذه الرسالة بالعربي يتم عمل نسخ لها ومن ثم لصقها في برنامج الوافي ويتم ترجمتها0

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موضوع مغلق

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